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Lily is 1 1/2 years old. She is smart and sassy! A small brindle Bali dog mix. She's loving, affectionate and playful. She loves walks, pats, cuddles and sniffing. Lily is a fun girl and very sweet natured.
Humphry is 1 1/2 years old. He is a little aloof and can sometimes display a worried or scared of humans nature. But generally he's very sweet and confident. He's all black with longer hair. He's small Bali dog mix. He loves walks, pats, food, cuddles and sniffing.
Cheeky is nearly 2 years old. She lives up to her name and is very focused on fun and sometimes being annoying to the other pooches as all she wants is a good fun time, all day every day! We are not sure of her breed, she was found in terrible condition on the side of a road when she was a tiny puppy.
Romeo is 6 years old. He is a golden Labrador male and unfortunantly has not had a great start in life, being passed around and never really having a stable home or people who can give him what he needs, lots of walks, affection and good food. He is our most recent arrival to the sanctuary and we would like to find him an amazing forever home.. He deserves it, what a lovely boy!
Licky is 8 years old and a true Bali dog. Her name is Licky Love because she loves licking legs, hands and anything that she wants to give affection to. She is our alpha female, putting everyone in line and making sure the pack is well looked after! She jumps walls and its hard to keep her in, living up to her true Bali dog nature.. Licky was found dumped at a temple when she was a tiny puppy..
Johnny arrived as a tiny puppy covered in tar, a local brought him over and from that moment on he has been full of life, enthusiasm, affection and playfullness. He loves his food and will also try to eat everyone elses food too! He's now 6 months old. And he certainly lives up to his name Rocket!
Lucu is a funny girl, very aloof, focused on food! Shes having some weight issues and its a little harder for her to get going in the mornings but once shes up she loves to run and play and often bullys the little or younger dogs! She will even steal thier food, Oh Lucu Girl! She's 8 years old and was found dumped at a temple when she was a tiny puppy..
Darling is an 8 year old female. A Bali dog. She is a true Darling, very gentle and loving and loves stability, food and one on one attention. She loves to eat papaya! She can be a bit noisy if someone comes to the door or gate, alerting and setting off the whole pack! Oh Darling!
Chi Chi is a chihuahua mix, found on the side of the road pregnant and maybe 1 year old, hairless and starving and covered in scabies. She recovered quickly and has a strong and assertive personality. She likes to be boss Mum and don't be fooled by her tiny size, she can be a tyrant, loud and sometimes even chases tourists up the beach! Chi Chi!
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